Back-to-Back Babies

This is something I just don’t understand. I can’t comprehend why people have unplanned children back-to-back…

I totally understand if you have one unplanned pregnancy as a result of some bad-decision making. I’m not a prude, I get it. What I don’t get is how you find yourself dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, give birth to a beautiful, healthy little baby and then somehow forget to use contraceptives again.

You have a newborn baby, who probably can’t fully hold up their head yet, and there you are telling everyone that you’re expecting again. WHAT?! Pregnant again?! Did you forget that you just had a baby? Did you forget that you have no husband, no job, not even your own place to call home?! You would think a newborn or an infant would have you so busy and tired that you’d barely have time for sex. But if you’re gonna do it–use a damn condom!

People really need to be more responsible for their actions and need to take the time to think about their futures before making some of these decisions. The stuff is really mind-blowing to me.

Personally, I couldn’t, or rather, I wouldn’t take on the responsibility of having to crying, stinking, pooping little ones BOTH in diapers and need my constant attention.

What’s worse is those that do it back-to-back-to-back.  I mean, you have a baby in December, turn around and have another in February of the next year, and ANOTHER one is April of the next year. Each time saying, “this is the last one.” Well, I should hope so. If you like having sex that much but DON’T want to continue having children, you should ensure that you are ALWAYS using condoms in addition to having female birth control as well.

It’s 2014, people. Get with it.

Now, before sign off on this, I would like to point out that if you WANT and have PLANNED to have a large family or each pregnancy is planned, and you’re a married couple or at the very least a COMMITTED couple with years and years of time spent with one another, then hey- have as many kids as you can every single year and give the Duggars a run for their money. I’m merely speaking about these unwed mothers out here with 3-5 kids all with different last names, mere memories of the men she used to deal with. It needs to stop.