July is Bi Pride Month?!

Well, apparently the month of July is recognized as “Bi Pride” month. I was not aware of this until recently but I can dig it. I hear a lot of talk about gay rights and gay pride and all of that but not too much relating to the bisexuals in the world. Perhaps to some the term “gay” is all-inclusive. I disagree.

So, I wanted to take a moment to recognize this month and maybe some of you out there will recognize it and spread the word as well. And yes, I know, it’s already the 28th of July, but hey- better late than never. I came across a really cool image/ecard that had to do with the subject of bisexuality.

It reads:

“So, you say you “don’t understand” bisexual people?

Some people like ice cream.

Some people like cookies.

Some people like ice cream and cookies.

Was that easy enough to digest”


I just loved seeing this post because it’s so simple for those who “don’t get it” and I can relate to it very much. I don’t see what’s so hard for people to understand. No one has to live a cookie-cutter life. No two people are the same and what what works for one, may not work for another. Some people like to refer to bisexuals as confused. That bugs me so much.

I am not confused. I am completely coherent and know what I like – both men and women. It is what it is. Get with it. Anyhoo, enjoy the rest of this month celebrating bisexuality by being free and most importantly, being yourself. . Hey you know what they say–‘ try it. you might like it.’


Starting to Exercise…Again

Well, I’ve decided that it’s time to start exercising…again. I made this decision towards the beginning of the year, and like most tasks that people ‘resolve’ to do, it didn’t stick. This time, however, I am truly motivated to exercise consistently and actually see and feel the results.

I’ve started hitting the treadmill again. I mean, I bought it so I might as well use it, right. Anyhoo, I’ve been going at it for about a solid week and half, almost two. Something like that. I started really easy, not wanting to overdo it like I did the last time. (I started a little too strong and ended up bothering an old injury, had to skip a few days, which turned into months). So, to get things going I committed to a 30 minute session. I still pushed myself, but kept in mid that there is no race going on.

At first, I wanted to quit after about 4 minutes…like ‘OMG, really?! But I didn’t quit. I’d read somewhere that by 7 minutes the brain receives the chemicals/impulses signals it needs to start to feel a lil pumped about the exercising. So that became my ‘mini-goal’- get to 7 minutes. By the time I got to 7 minutes I was still in it, feeling fine, not wanting to give in. I kept going.

It took me about 33 minutes or so to get to 2 miles and when I got to that point I was nice and sweaty, feeling pumped and had had a great workout. I really do get such a great feeling from working out- something that I’ve unknowingly really missed. It feels good when your mind n spirit tell you that you can keep doing it even when your body wants to quit. To get through it all and be able to say “I did it!” is a wonderful thing.

So since that time, I’ve been sure to workout at least four days a week, a minimum of 2 miles. I’ve pretty much kept to that routine with the exception of one day recently where I decided to stick with it for an hour of walking, jogging and running. I did 4.045 miles in 60 minutes and burned 600+ calories. My heart was pumping so fast and I was dripping and drenched with sweat, but I was happy. It felt great. So, this is definitely something that will become a way of life. I’m going to try to workout every day from now on…adding in some floor work as of yesterday – 5 pushups, 10 sit ups, 20 lunges and 35 squats.

I’m on a road to a better, healthier, fitter, slimmer me.

Nooka’s Zizm ZenH Titanium Watch

I recently got the chance to try out a new watch made by Nooka. My first impression was that this was a really cool looking watch. I don’t believe I’d seen anything like it before, and I certainly never owned anything similar to it either. I was quite excited as I’d heard good things.

Upon receiving the watch, it took a bit of time to get the watch set. It does come equipped with directions, but they certainly were not the easiest to follow. I ended up having to go online and find another source with clearer, easier to understand instructions. It took at least 30m to get the time and date set.

Also, the band is not cut when you purchase the watch, so that’s a plus because you can make sure that you take it to an expert jeweler and they will cut it so that it fits you perfectly. I really like the soft, silicone band. This model watch is the first of Nooka’s that has the silicone band. The band also continues the faceted design of the face throughout the entire band.

Reading the time display does take some time to get accustomed to, but after a short while you’ll get used to it and have no problems. It really is a unique design and most everyone that sees it will spark up a conversation about it.

Overall, I think this is a great watch and a very good buy if you’re looking to stand out and be different. Head over to http://www.nooka.com because SAKEENA SAID they have some pretty cool watches… for both women and men.