Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure

I recently received some new nail polish courtesy of Influenster and Sally Hansen. It is the new Sally Hansen “Complete Salon Manicure” nail polish. I opened the Voxbox from Influenster and inside there were 3 bottles of nail polish – “Jaded,” “Pat on the Black” and “Red My Lips.”

I decided to do a manicure with the “Red My Lips” color first as I don’t often do red polish, but happened to be wearing red at the time and had bare nails.

The first thing I noticed when I began to apply the polish, is the brush. OMG- love it! It is so thick and shaped in such a way that it helps reduce ‘errors’ of getting polish on skin. This polish brush is boss, for real, for real. LOL 🙂 Another thing I must point out, the coating is pretty great as well. Usually the first coat of polish won’t do much, but this Complete Salon Manicure polish would look just fine if you only prefer to do one coat. I, personally, always do at least two coats- sometimes three. Two coats of this stuff and I had bangin’, vibrant color.

Several days, nearly a week in – and no chipping or cracking at all. This polish is definitely made to make the most of your mani. I really wouldn’t expect too much less from this brand. Sally Hansen has been a known and trusted brand since I was kid and I am sure I will always be a fan. Especially with amazing products like this that work extremely well and won’t put a dent in my wallet!

So, in short, Sakeena Said- “If you haven’t tried the Complete Salon Manicure nail polish by Sally Hansen, you are missing out on something wonderfully beautiful.”

From Sally Hansen: the Complete Salon Manicure nail polish collection

From Sally Hansen: the Complete Salon Manicure nail polish collection